Fun Facts Friday: Thomas Warton

January 9, 2015

Thomas Warton (9 January, 1728 – 21 may, 1790) was an English poet, critic and historian.

Fun Facts Friday Thomas Warton

  1. Mr. Warton’s father was also a poet, and also named Thomas Warton. To distinguish the two, he is sometimes referred to as Thomas Warton the Younger.
  2. At the age of nine, Mr. Warton translated an epigram by Martial (a Roman writer).
  3. Mr. Warton wrote his famous work, The Pleasures of Melancholy, at 17.
  4. In 1747 and 1748 Mr. Warton was selected as poet laureate of Oxford, his alma mater.
  5. In 1757 Mr. Warton became a professor of poetry at Oxford, a position he held for 10 years.
  6. In 1785 he was appointed to be the Camden Professorship of Ancient History in Oxford as well as keeping his post as poet laureate.
  7. Mr. Warton had a friendly rivalry with poet Samuel Johnson, also an Oxford alumni (though a controversial one).
  8. One of Mr. Warton’s important contributions was to argue that Sir Thopas, by Chaucer, was a parody.
  9. The first major academic work by Mr. Waerton was Faerie Queene of Spenser (1754), but he is known for the 3 volume The History of English Poetry
  10. Mr. Warton liked light and humorous poems.

Zohar – Man of la Book

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