Fun Facts Friday: Robert A. Heinlein

July 7, 2017

Robert A. Heinlein (7 July, 1907 – 8 May, 1988) was an American author who wrote Science Fiction known as the “dean of science fiction writers”.

‘ Robert Heinlein’ © 2009 Donato Giancola

Books by Robert A. Heinlein*

1) Born in Butler, Missouri the author was 6thgeneration German-American.

2) Heinleins fought in every American war since the American Revolution.

3) In 1929 Mr. Heinlein graduated from theU.S. Naval AcademyinAnnapolis, Marylandand served as an officer.

4) Mr. Heinlein was one of the first sci-fi writers to have his works published in mainstream media.

5) He is considered one of the “Big Three” authors of science fiction (the other two are Isaac Asimov and Arthur C. Clarke).

6) Many of Mr. Heinlein works address individual liberty and self-reliance told within the framework of science fiction.

7) In 1974, Mr. Heinlein was named the first Science Fiction Writers Grand Master.

8) The author worn four Hugo Awards and five “Retro Hugos” for works published before the awards existed.

9) Some of the terms Mr. Heinlein works popularized are “space marine”, pay it forward” and “speculative fiction”.

10) During his life Mr. Heinlein published 59 short stories, 32 novels, and 16 collections. Four of his works became feature films (he wrote one of the screenplays), two TV series, and episodes on a radio series.

Books by Robert A. Heinlein*

Zohar — Man of la Book
*Ama­zon links point to an affil­i­ate account

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