Henry Steele Commager (25 October, 1902 – 2 March, 1998) was a prolific writer, intellectual and historian born in Pittsburgh, PA.
Books by Henry Steele Commager*
- Even though Mr. Commager was born in Pittsburgh, he grew up I Toledo, OH and Chicago, IL.
- He earned his degrees in history and PhD from the University of Chicago.
- While researching his dissertation on the Enlightenment reform movement in Denmark, Mr. Commager lived in Copenhagen for a year.
- As a college professor, Mr. Commager emphasized that historians must write for a wide audience, not other historians.
- As a professional historian, Mr. Commager felt a duty to reach out to other citizens believing that an educated public would support liberal programs.
- At Columbia University, Mr. Commager mentored several distinguished historians such as Leonard W. Levy, William Leuchtenburg and Harold Hyman.
- He believed that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights were meant to create a powerful general government, while recognizing individual rights and liberties.
- During his lifetime, Mr. Commager wrote hundreds of essays presenting current events with historical perspective.
- He opposed the Vietnam War on constitutional grounds perpetrated by the Nixon administration.
- Documents of American History, first published in 1938 and has been published in at least 10 editions, is to this day considered to be a standard collection work of primary sources.
Books by Henry Steele Commager*
Zohar — Man of la Book
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Fun Facts Friday: Henry Steele Commager
Henry Steele Commager (25 October, 1902 – 2 March, 1998) was a prolific writer, intellectual and historian born in Pittsburgh, PA.
Man of la Book
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