Ernest Dowson (2 August, 1867 – 23 February, 1900) was an English poet, known to be a very gifted writer of the time.
Books by or about Ernest Dowson*
Fun Facts about Ernest Dowson:
- Ernest Christopher Dowson was born in Lee, England to a family who made a living in the dry-docking business.
- The future poet attended Queens College, Oxford, but did not graduate. He spent the next six years working in the family business of dry-docking in London.
- Dowson led a tragic life. His father died in 1894 of tuberculosis, his mother, also suffering from tuberculosis, committed suicide about six months later by hanging, and he was a debt-ridden alcoholic until he died at age 32.
- Ernest Dowson’s poetry has a theme of regret about passing youth.
- The Rhymer’s Club, a group of male London poets, was one activity he enjoyed engaging in. Among his peers were W.B. Yeats and Arthur Symons.
- Dowson wrote for literary magazines, collaborated on novels with Arthur Moore (both unsuccessful), and translated French Fiction.
- He became infatuated with Adelaide “Missie” Foltinowicz, the daughter of a Polish restaurateur. Missie was 11 years old; Dowson was twice her age. He did wait until she was 15 to propose and was promptly rejected.
- Margaret Mitchell took the title of her novel Gone with the Wind from Ernest Sownson’s famous poem Non sum qualis eram bonae sub regno Cynarae.
- The Oxford English Dictionary credits Mr. Dowson with the earliest recorded use of “soccer”.
- Ernest Christopher died penniless at the homes of his friend, journalist and author Robert Sherard. Mr. Sherard, biographer of Oscar Wilde, found Mr Downson in a wine bar and allowed him to spend his last six weeks in Caford.
Books by or about Ernest Dowson*
Zohar – Man of la Book
*Amazon links point to an affiliate account, the money is usually spent on books
Dowson, Ernest Christopher |
Ernest Dowson | Poetry Foundation
Ernest Dowson: British poet | Britannica
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Fun Facts Friday: Ernest Dowson
Ernest Dowson (2 August, 1867 – 23 February, 1900) was an English poet, known to be a very gifted writer of the time.
Man of la Book
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Man of la Book - A Bookish Blog
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