Fun Facts Friday: Edith Hamilton

August 12, 2016

Edith Hamilton (12 August, 1867 – 31 May, 1963) was an American author and educator known for her work on Greece and Greek Mythology.

Fun Facts Friday: Edith Hamilton
By Unknown – The Greek Way”, 1930, Norton publ.
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Books by Edith Hamilton*

1) Ms. Hamilton was born in Germany, but spent her childhood in Fort Wayne, Indiana

2) Her father began teaching Ms. Hamilton Latin, French, German and Greek when she was seven years old.

3) Ms. Hamilton attended Miss Porter’s Finishing School for Young in Farmington, CT, and got her BA and MA from Bryn Mawr College, in Pennsylvania.

4) The Mary E. Garrett European Fellowship was awarded to Ms. Hamilton and allowed her to study humanities at the University of Munich in Germany.

5) She didn’t finish her doctoral degree because she took a job as head of the Bryn Mawr Preparatory School for Girls in Baltimore, MD which just opened at the time.

6) Writing about Greece only started after Ms. Hamilton was able to retire.

7) She published her first book The Greek Way (1930), when she was 62 years old.

8) The book Mythology (1942) remains the premier introductory text about its subject.

9) During her lifetime Ms. Hamilton was “recognized as the greatest woman Classicist.”

10) Ms. Hamilton considered the pinnacle of her life to be in 1957 when she received the Golden Cross of the Order of Benefaction and an honorary citizenship of Athens from King Paul of Greece, at the theater of Herodes Atticus.

Books by Edith Hamilton*

Zohar – Man of la Book
*Ama­zon links point to an affil­i­ate account

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