Fun Facts Friday: Charles Dickens

February 7, 2014

Charles Dickens (7 February, 1812 – 9 June, 1870), prolific English author, is known to this day as the quintessential Victorian author.

Fun Facts Friday: Charles Dickens

Books by Charles Dickens*

  1. Charles Dickens was born as Charles John Huffam Dickens
  2. Dickens’ father was put in debtor’s prison and Charles was forced to leave school and go to work at a boot polish factory. The conditions at the factory were so bad that young Dickens suffered from … loneliness.
  3. When Dickens’ pet raven, Grip, died, he had it stuffed. The raven is now on display in Philadelphia. after is it was purchased by Col. Richard Gimbel – a Dickens collector. Dickens wrote about Grip’s demise: “On the clock striking twelve he appeared slightly agitated, but he soon recovered, walked twice or thrice along the coach house, stopped to bark, staggered, exclaimed `Halloa old girl!’ (his favorite expression) and died.
  4. The first time Dickens was published, he was working in Monthly Magazine at age 21. The piece was called “A Dinner at Poplar Walk” and can be read online.
  5. Edward Bulwer Lytton Dickens, the author’s son, was named after Bulwer Lytton – an author and friend.
  6. Dickens put on a magic show with friends, he called himself “The Unparalleled Necromancer Rhia Rhama Rhoos, educated cabalistically in the Orange Groves of Salamanca and the Ocean Caves of Alum Bay.”
  7. Dickens started writing Nicholas Nickelby halfway through Oliver Twist. He startedOliver Twist halfway through Pickwick Papers.
  8. When The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club (Pickwick Papers) was published it was so popular that ancillary items started popping up such as Pickwick pastries.
  9. During his lifetime Dickens published 15 novels, hundreds of short stories, and many non-fiction pieces as well as plays and letters. Dickens also toured the lecture circuit in the US and England as well as editing two journals.
  10. Charles Dickens has appeared on the British £10 note (shown above).

Books by Charles Dickens*

Zohar – Man of la Book
*Ama­zon links point to an affiliate account

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