Fun Facts Friday: Benjamin Disraeli

December 21, 2012

Sir Benjamin Disraeli was born today, 21 December 1804 (d: 19 April, 1881), he was a man of many interests but today he is known most as a statesman but he was a prolific author as well.Fun Facts Friday: Benjamin Disraeli

Book by Benjamin Disraeli*

1 ) Disraeli’s nickname was “Dizzy”.

2 ) In the 1820s Benjamin dropped the apostrophe from his last name (D’Israeli).

3 ) Disraeli is considered to be the pioneer of the political novel

4 ) His title was 1st Earl of Beaconsfield.

5 ) Although he was born Jewish, Disraeli was baptized at the age of twelve. Despite Disraeli being an observant Anglican. This was due to his father’s dispute with their synagogue. The elder D’Israeli would remain against organized religion for the rest of his life.

6 ) Disraeli’s his career was marked with criticism tainted with anti-Semitism including cartoons, nicknames (“Shylock”, “abominable Jew”) as well as being portrayed in an act of ritually murdering the infant Britannia.

7 ) Disraeli’s father, Isaac, was a historian and literary critic.

8 ) Disraeli faced financial disaster while gambling in the stock market. He and publisher John Murray attempted to publish The Representative, a newspaper to promote South American mines and those who support them. Biographers agree that Disraeli’s first novel, Vivian Grey (1826) is a re-telling of the affairs of The Representatives. The newspaper failed (it was “atrociously edited” according to Lord Blake, Disraeli’s biographer).

9 ) Even though Vivian Grey was popular, it was received negative and critical reviews once Disraeli’s authorship was discovered.

10) John Murray believed that Disraeli made fun of him and abused his confidence in the novel. Disraeli consistently denied Murray’s accusations however most of Disraeli’s biographers take Murray’s side.

Book by Benjamin Disraeli*

Zohar – Man of la Book
*Ama­zon links point to an affil­i­ate account, the money is usually spent on books

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Fun Facts Friday: Benjamin Disraeli
Sir Benjamin Disraeli was a man of many interests but today he is known most as a statesman but he was a prolific author as well.


  • AlyceDecember 21, 2012 at 2:51 pm

    This was very informative! I had heard of him, but really didn’t know that much when it came to why he was famous.

  • RyanDecember 22, 2012 at 10:00 pm

    I always enjoy your Fun Facts. This one especially because (I admit) I know nothing about Benjamin Disraeli.

  • DhruvJune 10, 2013 at 1:54 am

    Nice article on Benjamin Disraeli. BTW, from where did you get his image?

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