Fun Facts Friday: André Chénier

October 30, 2015

André Chénier (30 October, 1762 – 25 July, 1794) was a French poet associated with the French Revolution.

Chenier” by Unknown. Licensed under Public Domain via Commons.

  1. Chénier was born in Galata district of Constantinople. Today it is the Karaköy neighborhood of Istanbul.
  2. His middle name was Marie.
  3. When he was three, the family returned to France.
  4. In college, Chénier distinguished himself as an excellent translator of the classics.
  5. Umberto Giordon worte an opera about the poets life, it was called, appropriately enough “André Chénier”.
  6. Chénier left to London to be a secretary of the French embassador, but he was unhappy in London. Upon returning to France at the midst of the revolution (which he believed was already over).
  7. Even though Chénier’s political views were moderated, his tactics and prose were aggressive.
  8. Chénier escaped the September Massacres in Paris by staying with relatives in Normandy.
  9. Only two works of Chénier were published during his lifetime, he got his reputation posthumously.
  10. On 25 July, 1794, Chénier was guillotined for “crimes against the state” (conspiracy). He was 31 years old.

Zohar – Man of la Book

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