The American Library Association (ALA) was first organized on 6 October, 1876 in Philadelphia, PA. It has since became the largest, “oldest, largest and most influential library association in the world”.
Books by the American Library Association (ALA)*
Fun Facts about the ALA:
- Before 1876, there has been an organized effort to form some sort of professional organization for librarians.
- The ALA was created during the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia when 103 librarians came to be a part of a “Convention for Librarians” at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania.
- The convention lasted two days, but on 6 October a register was passed to the participants to sign, making it official.
- The resolution stated that the goal of the Association was “to enable librarians to do their present work more easily and at less expense.”
- The ALA was chartered in Massachusetts, 1879 with Justin Winsor serving as the first president.
- These days, the ALA headquarters is located in Chicago but has several other locations, including, of course Washing DC to influence legislation.
- Theresa West Elmendorf, an American librarian was the first female president of the ALA.
- In the 1930s, the ALA was pressured to give voice younger members about issues they care about. The Junior Members Round Table was formed to give them a voice.
- Forrest Spaulding, an American librarian was named “100 of the most important leaders we had in the 20th century” drafted the first Library Bill of Rights to fight against censorship. The LBR was adopted in 1939 by the ALA.
- To this day, the ALA fights every day to advocate for equity of access to information, as well as to extend and protect that access.
Books by the American Library Association (ALA)*
Zohar – Man of la Book
*Amazon links point to an affiliate account, the money is usually spent on books
History About ALA | The American Library Association
American Library Association Fact Sheet | The American Library Association
American Library Association | Wikipedia
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Fun Facts Friday: American Library Association
The American Library Association (ALA) was organized on 6 October, 1876 as the “oldest, largest and most influential library association in the world”
Man of la Book
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Man of la Book - A Bookish Blog
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