Book Review: For Your Eyes Only by Ian Fleming

June 2, 2016

For Your Eyes Only by Ian Fleming is the eight book in a series featuring British secret agent James Bond, 007. Four of the five stories started as outlines for a Bond TV show commissioned by the BBC, however the show was dropped before filming began.

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Books by Ian Fleming*

For Your Eyes Only by Ian Fleming is a collection of short stories, ranging from “Excellent” to “just OK”. I wasn’t thrilled to read this book, simply because I’m not a fan of short stories. The stories take place in between the longer Bond missions and are a fun read.

It seems to me Mr. Fleming had some stories in his head and somehow tried to tie them up into a common character (Bond). For example, the short story Quantum of Solace mostly compromises of a man telling Bond a story about a couple in the Bahamas (for what it’s worth, I did enjoy this story even though it’s not the usual Bond adventure and is quite sad).

Three of the stories (From a View to a Kill, For Your Eyes Only and Risico) are straight out Bond adventures. The other two (Quantum of Solace and The Hilderbrand Rarity) show a more compassionate side for Bond.

As always with a short story collection, it is difficult to rate. The rating above simply indicates an average.

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Books by Ian Fleming*

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Zohar — Man of la Book
Dis­claimer:I got this book as a gift.
*Ama­zon links point to an affil­i­ate account

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