Book Review: The Swimmer by Joakim Zander
4 Stars , Fiction , Latest Posts / February 11, 2015

Klara Walldéen is an aide to the European Union Parliament who is working in Brussels. Klara grew up with her grandparents on a remote archipelago in Sweden. Accidentally Klara has gotten possession of a laptop containing information that the European Union as well as the US government does not want to be publicized.

Book Review: Asylum City by Liad Shoham
5 Stars , Fiction , Latest Posts / February 3, 2015

The author casts a wide net across Israeli society when it comes to solving the murder Anat is working on. Anat is a strong protagonist who loves her job and has to deal with rampant sexism of her co-workers and her superiors who have half her intelligence.

Book Review: The Girl with a Clock for a Heart by Peter Swanson
3 Stars , Fiction , Latest Posts / January 27, 2015

I enjoyed reading this book, the way the story unfolds is interesting and how the protagonist works through it from the past, to present-day, back to the past is skillfully written. I liked how the author managed to makes the reader think the answer to the question is just on the next page, and then he just pulls it from us to be out of reach again.

Book Review: The Lost Solos by Eshkol Nevo
5 Stars , Fiction , Latest Posts / December 30, 2014

The author managed to captures several aspects of Israeli society, the Russian immigrant, a soldier, politician, religious Jew, an Arab bird-lover and more. The point of view constantly changes in the story which gives the narrative it’s on dynamic and takes on a life of its own.

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