Book Review: This Country Is No Longer Yours by Avik Jain Chatlani

April 25, 2024


This Country Is No Longer Yours by Avik Jain Chatlani explores ideology and tragedy in war-torn Peru from separate people. Mr. Chatlani is a historian and author.

  • 224 pages
  • Publisher ‏ : Bond Street Books
  • Language ‏ : English
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : 0385688709

Book Review: This Country Is No Longer Yours by Avik Jain Chatlani
My rat­ing for This Country Is No Longer Yours2
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I wanted to read this book because I enjoyed my visit to Peru and hold a soft spot for its history and people. And while I found the novel creative, it was told in a manner that didn’t hold my interest and often was difficult to follow.

This Country Is No Longer Yours by Avik Jain Chatlani does a decent job summarizing the chaos of the country that The Shining Path sowed. Peruvian Prime Minister Alberto Fujimori (El Chino), and Shining Path’s Chairman Gonzalo play a large background role as well.

What I liked about the book was that the terrorists as well as the government agents are presented as the same side of the same coin. Ruthless ideologues who justify their violent means with complete disregard for the population they claim to protect.

Nevertheless, the book was difficult to follow, narration changing without any warning. I had to read and re-read many times to pick up the lost thread which, for me at least, was not an enjoyable or thought-provoking experience.

If someone is familiar with the recent Peruvian history they might find it easier to follow the narrative. I would have fleshed out the history more, especially for a foreign audience.

I hated the author’s passive-aggressive agenda. It just rubbed me the wrong way and seemed hell-bent on incorporating it into his book come hell or high water. For example, he completely forgot to mention that first lady Elaine Karp was born and grew up in France, but was sure to mention several times that she’s “Israeli-Belgium-American”. A description of “French-Peruvian” would be more apt, especially for the time the story takes place. Besides the author’s agenda, I have yet to understand why she even merits a mention (or two, or three) along with Peruvian terrorists and fascists.


The Shining Path, Sendero Luminos, a Maoist terrorist organization terrified Peruvians from the 1970s to the 2000s. The war is seen through the eyes of a student, a leader in the revolution, and a conservative, ruthless government agent. Both witness acts that horrify them but inspire them nonetheless.

After the war, a journalist attempts to expose a sexual predator running for the Presidency.

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More Books by Avik Jain Chatlani*

Zohar — Man of la Book
Dis­claimer: I got this book free.
*Ama­zon links point to an affil­i­ate account, the money is usually spent on books

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This Country Is No Longer Yours by Avik Jain Chatlani
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This Country Is No Longer Yours by Avik Jain Chatlani

This Country Is No Longer Yours

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