Book Review: The Yanks Are Starving by Glen Craney

April 18, 2016


The Yanks Are Starving: A Novel of the Bonus Army by Glen Craney is a historical fiction book telling the long forgotten story of the Bonus Army of World War I vets and how they were treated. Mr. Carney is a published author and journalist.

Book Review: The Yanks Are Starving by Glen Craney

My rat­ing for The Yanks Are Starving4
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The Yanks Are Starving: A Novel of the Bonus Army by Glen Carney is a long book, but is very enjoyable for history buffs and those who enjoy historical fiction. I have heard of the Bonus Army before reading this book, it is one of those events we don’t like to talk about very much, but never read anything about it besides and article or two.

From my limited reading about the World War I and the Bonus Army, it seems that the events depicted are based on facts and is worth reading. From the treatment of our veterans, to that of consciousness objectors. While some of the main characters are fictional, I found them to be most interesting and engaging, even more than the one who did exist.

This is not a “war” book, even though there is plenty of that as well. The book talks about the struggles of veterans which paralleled the struggles of the country. The complex relationships of the people, the commanders, such as Major George Patton, and the country are well illustrated in this book.

When I finished the book I was very impressed with the scope of what it covered and the author’s wonderful effort to cover it. You can certainly tell that the author picked a side, but he handles the subtleties gently and elegantly.

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More books by Glen Carney*

Zohar — Man of la Book
Dis­claimer: I got this book for free
*Ama­zon links point to an affil­i­ate account

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The Yanks Are Starving: A Novel of the Bonus Army by Glen Carney

Wrap Up

The Yanks Are Starving: A Novel of the Bonus Army by Glen Craney

One Comment

  • Glen CraneyApril 23, 2016 at 7:52 pm

    Thanks for such a thoughtful review, Zohar.

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