Book Review: The Snyderverse Saga by Daryn Kirscht

February 10, 2022


The Snyderverse Saga: The Culture-Shattering Phenomena Behind Zack Snyder’s DC Film Universe by Daryn Kirscht follows the controversy .and the impact the fandom had on fighting for Mr. Snyder’s vision. Mr. Kirscht is an author, podcaster, library paraprofessional, and entertainment journalist.

  • 412 pages
  • Publisher ‏ : Daryn Kirscht
  • Language ‏ : English
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : 1737603411

Book Review: The Snyderverse Saga by Daryn Kirscht
My rat­ing for The Snyderverse Saga5
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More Books by Daryn Kirscht*


While I had some issues with Zach Snyder’s storytelling, not that I could do better). However, I always enjoyed his vision, and appreciated his cinematic photography. I enjoyed Man of Steel, and unlike the vocal minority (as per Rotten Tomatoes audience score), I thought that Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, was a layered masterpiece, troubled as it may.
But I’ve been a Superman fan since I was eight – so there’s that.

For the record: Zach Snyder’s Justice League (ZSJL) was the best movie I saw in 2021, as well as putting Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice in a whole new context.

I have always supported the #releasethesnydercut movement, but I never realized how big it was. I wasn’t able to keep with the roller-coaster ride, but this book filled in the gaps.

The Snyderverse Saga: The Culture-Shattering Phenomena Behind Zack Snyder’s DC Film Universe by Daryn Kirscht is a highly detailed, chronological account of how it all unfolded. I’m surprised I actually enjoyed a book which pulls from various media sources, including blogs, social media, interviews, and other sources. Frankly, whenever I read a book which quotes me some redditor it’s an automatic “hard stop”. However, this book does mention rumors, and uses them in the context of hype and innuendos of the time.

The book talks about Snyder’s career, but mainly concentrated on the DC Cinematic Universe, eventually leading to the Justice League. ZSJL will prove to be a historic event, where a fan base came together to let a director have his vision.
And most of us loved it.

I hope the events chronicled in this book will be noticed by the entertainment executives. Let the creators create. Leadership’s role, in any organization, is to specifically remove hurdles, not bring on artistic vision.

Buy The Snyderverse Saga from*
More Books by Daryn Kirscht*

Zohar — Man of la Book
Dis­claimer: I bought this book.
*Ama­zon links point to an affil­i­ate account, the money is usually spent on books

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The Snyderverse Saga: The Culture-Shattering Phenomena Behind Zack Snyder’s DC Film Universe by Daryn Kirscht
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The Snyderverse Saga: The Culture-Shattering Phenomena Behind Zack Snyder’s DC Film Universe by Daryn Kirscht

Wrap Up

The Snyderverse Saga: The Culture-Shattering Phenomena Behind Zack Snyder’s DC Film Universe by Daryn Kirscht

The Snyderverse Saga The Culture Shattering Phenomena Behind Zack Snyders DC Film Universe By Daryn

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