The President and the Frog by Carolina De Robertis is a political fiction story examining justice, leadership, and how we remember things. Ms. De Robertis is a published author who wrote several international bestsellers.
- 224 pages
- Publisher : Knopf
- Language : English
- ISBN-10 : 0593318412
My rating for The President and the Frog— 4
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Previously, I have enjoyed reading the works of Carolina De Robertis very much, and am always on the lookout for one of her books. I was happy to receive a copy of the book, all in all, it did not disappoint.
The President and the Frog is a short book, a novella if you will, though it has a lot to say. The interviewer in this book seem to ask questions she cares about, certainly different from other reporters. The ex-President realizes that and surprisingly wonders if he should share his deepest secret – a talking frog
The symbolism is deep in the book, Europe, Trump’s America, Latin America and post WWII Asia are all present. This is a hopeful book, even though the themes of war and suffering is at the forefront.
Ms. De Robertis takes on several political ideologies. The novel itself does not mention names, or places. The author, however, does admit that she modeled the ex-President after Jose Mujica, Uruguay’s former President.
I did appreciate that the author managed to hit several hot-button topics without preaching. In an indirect way, Ms. De Robertis sends a message without hitting the reader over the head with it. Additionally, I wondered if the choice of a magical frog was due to the politicized internet meme of Pepe the Frog, appropriated by white supremacists, or was simply a coincidence.
I enjoyed the writing very much, it’s strong and delicate at the same time. Latin America’s literary device of magical realism, which the author used in Perla as well, shows its power in storytelling.
The ex-President of an unnamed Latin American country is being interviewed by a European journalist. While discussing his legacy, as well as the status of democracy around the globe, the President reminisces. He especially remembers his past as a revolutionary, a prisoner, and a guerilla.
The President, remembers a strange event he had in jail, but does not want to share it. While held in solitary confinement for a long time, the only creature ever to talk back to him was… a frog.
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More Books by Carolina De Rebertis*
Zohar — Man of la Book
Disclaimer:I got this book for free.
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