Book Review: Netanyahu: The Road to Power by Ben Caspit & Ilan Kfir

July 28, 2014

Netanyahu: The Road to Power by Ben Caspit and Ilan Kfir is a non-fiction book, written in the late 1990s about the Israeli politician and Prime Minister. This review is about the book in Hebrew, I have not read the book in English (translated by Ora Cummings).

  • 256 pages
  • Publisher: Birch Lane Press
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1559724536

Book Review Netanyahu The Road to Power by Ben Caspi and Ilan KfirMy rating forNetanyahu: The Road to Power4

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Netanyahu: The Road to Power by Ben Caspit and Ilan Kfir is an insightful book about the character of this very divisive politician. The book tells us about the Netanyahu’s upbringing in the US with his brother Yoni, the commander of the Raid on Entebe and an Israeli hero. Netanyahu’s military service is also touched upon as well as his business career which was short and not very fruitful.

The authors describe Netanyahu as an opportunistic politician who profited handsomely (in votes) from the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin and who had a psychological hand in the upheaval leading up to the murder. The book goes on to describe Netanyahu’s personal relationships with his two ex wives, as well as a disturbing examination of the power his current spouse, Sarah, hold over him.

Whether you like, hate or not care about Netanyahu, this is still a fascinating book which helps the layman understand the political drive and personality of the Israeli leader. The authors managed to make the book interesting and entertaining while explaining their subject, but let’s face it, they hand an interesting and entertaining material to work with.

Zohar — Man of la Book
Dis­claimer:I got this book as a gift.
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