Book Review: Jet by Russell Blake

June 4, 2019

Jet by Russell Blake is the first book in a series about a former Israeli Mossad assassin. Mr. Blake is an international best selling author of action/adventure novels.

  • 292 pages
  • Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
  • Language:English
  • ISBN-10:1500176109

Book Review: Jet by Russell Blake
My rating forJet4

More Books by Russell Blake*


I enjoyed reading Jet by Russell Blake, a fast and violent book with a female protagonist. Even though it is exciting, the plot felt formulaic with no big surprises. I thought the author used the same shtick as many other authors to humanize a female protagonist in many other books.

The protagonist is has an abusive past, but someone is still tagged as “assassin material”. I haven’t met many assassins or spies during my life, but people who become work in that field don’t usually come from that kind of past – the best spies don’t look like models, but those that can melt in the background and disappear.
They’re also not full with rage, or they’ll last one assignment, at the most.

I really liked the idea of the novel though, a tough lady, retired from intelligence apparatus by faking her death, than being sucked back in. strangely, for a foreigner living in a foreign land, Jet doesn’t seem to miss her culture. Usually people try and seek out something that will remind them of their past, whether it’s a movie, food, or even just listening to tourists talk. For Jet, however, this doesn’t apply. I thought the whole story would have been much more authentic if some of those elements were incorporated.

The author, to his credit, does say that he wrote the book for fun and didn’t get bogged down with accuracy too much. I agree with the author, it was a lot of fun to read, stimulating and thrilling.


Jet is a 28 year old ex-Mossad agent who was a lethal assassin before faking her own death to “retire”. But with a past like Jet, retirement is not as easy as it sounds.

More Books by Russell Blake*

Zohar — Man of la Book
Dis­claimer:I got this book for free.
*Ama­zon links point to an affil­i­ate account

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Jet by Russell Blake

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