Book Review: Casino Royale by Ian Fleming

April 29, 2015


Casino Royale by Ian Fleming is the first book featuring secret agent James Bond, 007.

  • 188 pages
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1612185436

Book Review Casino Royale by Ian Fleming - A James Bond NovelMy rat­ing for Casino Royale 4
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Books by Ian Fleming*


On the surface Casino Royale by Ian Fleming seems dated. The tales of an aged Cold War spy who loves material and sexual excesses told in outdated narrative seems cliché and naïve. In fairness, however, it is a cliché the author himself created. That being said, I thought the plots and themes of the novel have stayed current.

Much of the book takes place in the Casino, where the author shows off his knowledge of the games and the atmosphere surrounding the casinos. The old theme of eliminating Russian agents takes on a surreal feel of déjà vu based on current events.

I thought that the search for cleverness, refinement and style was an interesting aspect of the novel. I can certainly see how this novel influenced the lifestyles thousands, if not millions. Bond’s love of good food, great wine and fast cars has almost been a standard for decades.

There were some aspects I forgot when in read this book many years ago, Bond’s friendship with other agents, a “W” carved into his hand by a Russian agent (I cannot remember if this aspect was mentioned again in other James Bond books), the drink he invented (“the Vesper”) as well as Vesper’s role in the story.


James Bond, British secret service agent, is tasked by his boss, known as M, to humiliate a stateless man called le Chiffre on the gambling tables. M sent Bond because he is the best gambler in the service.

Buy this book in paper or elec­tronic format*
Books by Ian Fleming*

Zohar — Man of la Book
Dis­claimer:I borrowed this book from the local library.
*Ama­zon links point to an affil­i­ate account

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Casino Royale by Ian Fleming
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Casino Royale by Ian Fleming

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