Book Review: Broken Angels by Gemma Liviero

April 25, 2016

Broken Angels by Gemma Liviero is a novel taking place in the Lodz ghetto during World War II.

  • 464 pages
  • Publisher: Lake Union Publishing
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1503934861

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Broken Angels by Gemma Liviero is a novel about a subject matter which is always difficult to read. The author tells the story from the view point of three people, which, inevitably intersect.

The narrative moves fast and the storytelling is clear. Every now and then it seems that the dialouge is forced, but even then it doesn’t really break up the narrative.

The author presents the moral dilema a Nazi gynecologist is facing. He is a man who prides himself on helping women but finds himself in a situation where his patients are considered sub-human, barn animals to be experimented on for the “greater good”.

Elsi, a Jewish teenager in the Lodz Ghetto, discovers her mother is being used as entertainment by German officers and is suffering trhough an abortion. Elsi the joins a resistance group.

At the same time, Matilda, a Romanian girl who happens to look Aryan is taken from her family and brought to Germany so she can be molded as an Aryan child. Matilda is not to be molded, however, and has a strong mind and a brave spirit.

Willem is a Nazi docotr, officer and son of an important general. As a doctor Willem wants to save the lives of women, but that is difficult to do when he is assigned to Lodz and Auschwitz.

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Zohar — Man of la Book
Dis­claimer: I got this book for free
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