Book Blogger Appreciation Week — Day 3

September 12, 2012

What Does Book Blogging Mean to You?

Book blogging for me is a way to relax, as well as verbalized why I enjoyed or didn’t enjoy a book. It is a way to put my thoughts in order and think about a work instead of just plowing through them.

Of course, like many of us when I started this blog I thought I was unique, I thought that there are thousands, no – tens of thousands of people just aching for a book blog to go online and argue about beloved favorites. As we all know, I was miserably wrong and there are many wonderful book blogs on the Interwebs – which actually made this hobby much more fun and social.

As is the case in life, what intended was not what happened, changed but for the better I believe. I know read way out of my comfort zone (mostly for better but sometimes for worst) have been introduced to excellent authors, entreating books and wonderful bloggers.

Check out more great answers and leave me a link so I can read yours.

Zohar – Man of la Book

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  • Literary FelineSeptember 12, 2012 at 3:59 pm

    I love the idea of thinking of your blog as a way to relax and take your time to enjoy a book. I think I forget that sometimes in the rush of life, but it’s something I want to get back to.

    • Zohar - Man of la BookSeptember 12, 2012 at 4:13 pm

      Ah, yes – the rush of the famous rat race. We’re all in a hurry to go nowhere.

  • LivianiaSeptember 12, 2012 at 4:06 pm

    Haha, yep, there’s definitely more than one book blog out there.

  • Alexia561September 12, 2012 at 10:23 pm

    Nicely put! It’s thanks to book bloggers that I venture out of my reading comfort zone and try new genres! Love discovering new authors and trying new things. Happy BBAW!

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