Guest Book Review: Damned by Chuck Palahniuk
Fiction , Guest Posts , Latest Posts / March 31, 2014

The main character and the narrator is 13-year-old Madison Spenser. Every person can envy her life, her mother is a Hollywood star and father is a film producer. But as it turns out during the narration of dead Madison, who tells her story from Hell, she was very much unhappy and unappreciated child when she was alive.

Fun Facts Friday: Phyllis McGinley
Fun Facts Friday , Latest Posts / March 21, 2014

Phyllis McGinley (21, March 1905 – 22 February, 1978) wrote poetry and children’s books. Notable for her satiric tone and light verse, Mrs. McGinley specialized in focusing on the positive side of life. Books by Phyllis McGinley Mrs. McGinley’s father was a land speculator. The reason they settled in Cliff, CO was because he couldn’t sell the land. Mr. McGinley’s father passed away when she was 12, she then moved in with relatives in Ogden. While attending the University of Utah, Mrs. McGinley entered a university contest for the best poetry, short stories, and essays. She submitted entries under pseudonyms in all categories and twice won all the cash awards. While at the college, the author also submitted her poetry to New York based magazines and moved to the city in 1929. While living in the big city, Mrs. McGinley held various jobs including a copywriter for an advertising agency, teacher in a junior high school in New Rochelle, and staff writer for Town and Country. Her future husband, Charles L. Hayden, worked for the Belle phone company and was a jazz player. Mrs. McGinley thought Mr. Hayden’s jazz playing is a sign he would not be a good husband,…

Giveaway (Over): Trophy Target by Allen Mitchum
Latest Posts / March 17, 2014

The pub­lisher is giv­ing away one copy of this eBook to three (3) winners –to enter fill out the Raf­fle­copt­ter form at the end of the post. tro·phy [‘trō-fē] tar·get [ˈtär-gət] – A uniquely high value individual captured and used by an enemy as leverage for political, military or other strategic purposes Deep in the jungle of French Guiana, a once anonymous soldier of the French Foreign Legion mysteriously disappears. Days later, word reaches his younger brother, Prince Erik Rohde, second in line to the Danish throne. Doubting the government’s capabilities and questioning the Prime Minister’s sincerity, Erik turns to the world’s top mercenary, Fadi Khaldun, to rescue his brother. Fadi Khaldun is a former assassin of the Saudi government determined to make amends for his malicious past. Since making his debut in the thriller 28 PAGES, Fadi has spent the past seven years rescuing hostages, avenging the deaths of loved ones of his clients and destroying terrorist and organized crime rings in the deadliest conflict zones on the planet. Now he embarks on his most high profile and dangerous job yet to rescue the crown prince of Denmark. From the jungles of South America to the mountains of South East Asia, Fadi meticulously…

Giveaway (over): Smile At Your Challenges by Danielle Pashko
Latest Posts / March 15, 2014

The pub­lisher is giv­ing away one copy of this book –to enter fill out the Raf­fle­copt­ter form at the end of the post. After losing her mother to breast cancer and having an absent father, Danielle Pashko was living as a teenager on her own in Manhattan. She worked as a model to support herself, although much of her free time was spent studying yoga, massage, holistic nutrition and healing modalities. While later working as the “go to” practitioner for everyone’s health issues she ironically was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. Her strongly ingrained philosophy of restrictive eating and physical discipline had to be questioned. Danielle believes that we can take all the external measures in the world to achieve health and happiness, but there are never any guarantees. Replete with anecdotes and observations about the human condition, this “Smile At Your Challenges” is a book that invites thoughtful consideration of our relationships with others, our relationship with a higher power and, most importantly, the ongoing relationship we nurture – or should be nurturing – with our own selves. Danielle Pashko has been working in the Nutrition, Wellness and Beauty industries for the past 15 years in New York City. As a licensed massage therapist, certified…

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