Fun Facts Friday: James Russell Lowell
Fun Facts Friday , Latest Posts / February 22, 2013

On this day in 1819 James Russell Lowell (d: 12 August, 1891) was born in Cambridge, MA. Mr. Lowell was a poet, critic editor and even a diplomat. Works by James Russell Lowell Lowell attended Harvard at age 15. He was known as a troublemaker and wrote: “During Freshman year, I did nothing, during Sophomore year I did nothing, during Junior year I did nothing, and during Senior year I have thus far done nothing in the way of college studies.“ For his first attempts at poetry, Lowell wrote for the Harvardiana literary magazine (which he also edited). He freely admitted that his poems were bad and said that “I was as great an ass as ever brayed & thought it singing.” Even though he was elected “class poet” (1838) he was not allowed to read a poem on Class Day since he was suspended. Lowell did graduate from Harvard and not knowing what to do he decided to practice law. Lowell married Maria White, a sister of a Harvard classmate, who persuaded him to become an abolitionist. The Lowells had 4 children, however only one lived past infancy. Lowell grieved over his children and particular his first born, Rose,…

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