Bookish Beer – The Raven
Latest Posts / December 17, 2012

As I do when I’m at my local liquor store, I try to pick up a beer or two if it looks interesting and sounds good. Most of the time I stick with Sam Adams, a safe bet (Cherry Wheat … not so much), but every now and then I take a chance and, more often than not, pleasantly surprised. When I saw The Raven Special Lager you know I had to pick it up. Notice the great bottle caps, great packaging and catchy phrase: “The Taste is Poetic”. But, packaging aside, the beer is actually…. very good! I bought it for a party we hosted which had a nice mix of people from the US and abroad, they all agreed that it was a descent beer and actually went quite fast. Anyone who opened the fridge took The Raven first and commented on how good it was. I hope they’ll make more literary beers, it’s a great way to introduce authors into people’s homes who otherwise wouldn’t even bother opening a book. I wonder how many people looked up who Sam Adams was after they saw his name on the shelf? Just keep the quality high! Zohar – Man of la Book…

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