Tightwad Tuesday — Free or Affordable eBooks — Biblical Fiction

I really enjoy biblical fiction, especially about the Jewish bible. I think the stories are great, interesting and, I hear, even teach a lesson or two. Most of the biblical fiction books I read were pretty good, some took many liberties, others didn’t but I have to say I enjoyed most of them (it is unfortunate that most of the ones I enjoyed were never translated into English). Many people miss the point of the bible, in my opinion – they either view it as literal history (which is a recent phenomena of about 100 years or so), or as a comic-book type superhero drama, or both. That is too bad since these wonderful stories are the base of which we built our society on (whether you believe them or not doesn’t matter), however over the centuries they have been bastardized to support one agenda or another, when actually they support none. At the time of this post, the books below were free or $0.99 – please check before downloading. Authors: If you’d like your book to be fea­tured on Tight­wad Tues­days please email me. In the Beginning (Holey Hullabaloo) by Michael Goldsberry A humorous retelling of Genesis from Eve’s pole dancing to…

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