Self Published Success Story
Opinion / March 8, 2011

Amanda Hocking (blog | Amazon Page) is from Minnesota, she is 26, self published and … sold 900,000 copies of her books (and no, she doesn’t have a reality TV show). While I usually don’t read the paranormal genre I have to admire what Ms. Hocking has achieved and, what I believe to be, a big trend which I hope will continue. That trend is that us, book consumers, will decide who will be the next best seller, not some marketing guru sitting in an ivory tower high above Times Square negotiation for shelf space in a book store. Is traditional publishing dead? Not by a long shot but the way business is done certainly has to be looked at (hint: pricing eBooks the same as print books is not the way to go). Ms. Hocking’s books sell anywhere from $0.99 to $3 and her fans happily buy more and more. She isn’t trying to compete with the big guys who can alienate more readers, quite the opposite – Ms. Hocking sells the products her customers want to buy. Innovative? Maybe for those executives who want customers to buy what they sell them. While Ms. Hocking’s story certainly is the…

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