Book Review: The Most Dangerous Place: Pakistan’s Lawless Frontier by Imtiaz Gul

July 12, 2010
Disclaimer – The book I read is an advanced uncorrected proof which I received for free.
  • 320 pages
  • Publisher: Viking Adult
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 067002225X

Book Review: The Most Dangerous Place: Pakistan’s Lawless Frontier by Imtiaz GulMy rating for The Most Dangerous Place: Pakistan’s Lawless Frontier – 4
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Books by Imtiaz Gul*

The book gets its title from a speech President Obama made on March, 2009: “For the American people, this border region has become the most dangerous place in the world,”

This scrupulous coverage of Pakistan was written by the knowledgeable Imtiaz Gul. The author does not only quote reference material but also an array of impressive personas he personally spoke to. For me, the element of personal knowledge gave this book immense credibility and I ultimately viewed the author’s insights as expert opinions.

Mr. Gul is certainly an expert on the subject and breezes through acronyms, even though to his credit he explains who they are / were several times in the narrative – for those who need more information there is a comprehensive synopsis of militants and organizations in the tribal areas of Pakistan.

This is the first book I read on the subject and, for me, it was a difficult read. Even though I highly recommend the book as a guide to everyone from civilians to policy makers, I don’t think it is a good first-book because of the exhausting information thrown at the reader at blazing speed. At times the book left the narrative and threw lists of dates of certain events at the unknowledgeable reader.

However, if you are already familiar with the subject of Pakistan, this book would be an excellent edition to your library of knowledge and a great resource to anyone needing a thorough and comprehensive narrative.

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Books by Imtiaz Gul*

Zohar – Man of La Book

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The Most Dangerous Place: Pakistan’s Lawless Frontier by Imtiaz Gul

Wrap Up

The Most Dangerous Place: Pakistan’s Lawless Frontier by Imtiaz Gul

Most Dangerous Place Pakistans Lawless Frontier By Imtiaz Gulgerous


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