Who is taller? The character or the actor who played them?
Latest Posts / November 20, 2014

I saw this wonderful infographic on http://visual.ly/who-taller-character-or-actor-who-played-them and thought it was very cool. While I’m not a big fan of fantasy books, I am a big fan of the movies. I tried to read fantasy books, I simply don’t “get” them (I tried to read Lord of the Rings about 4 times the past two decades, never reaching beyond page 150) even though I might give the genre another shot since, it seems, my taste is change.

The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies – Teaser Trailer
Latest Posts / July 29, 2014

While I’m not much of a fantasy reader, I do love the movies. I thought the Lord of the Ring trilogy was fantastic even though I couldn’t get past 150 pages in the book itself. Check out the first trailer for the last piece of The Hobbit movie trilogy, The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (release date December 17th, 2014).

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