Four scientist invented time travel in 1967, however one of them suffers a breakdown and the other three exile her fearing she would jeopardize the project.
The powerful Red Lantern Abysmus has been freed and on a mission to destroy all life, and the Red Lanterns by poising their battery.
The world building, the multiple story-lines, and the political aspects and parallels to today’s conservative/liberal/Republican/Democrat/Independent narrative.
Foundryside by Robert Jackson Bennett a smart novel in a complex world where humans can tap the consciousness of objects convincing them that they are different
I liked Harley Quinn in her debut in Batman: The Animated Series, one of the few characters in comics who transitioned well from TV to comic books (and not the other way around). She has become an iconic character and, no disrespect to Margot Robbie’s excellent interpretation of the character in Suicide Squad, all the fans probably hear the voice of actress Arleen Sorkin in their heads.
The novel takes full advantage of geek culture, and infantile jokes but the science in this book is fascinating ranging from overall theories to nuts and bolts
Most of all The Martian celebrates human inventiveness to survive. An adventure book celebrating intelligence, done with intellect, wit and full of suspense.
In 1958 Mr. Aldiss was voted as Most Promising New Author at the Word Science Fiction Convention.
Buy this Star Wars Book in paper or electronic copy* Andrew: Originally published at: 2/5 Rancors – Champions of the Force is the final book in Kevin J. Anderson’s Jedi Academy Trilogy. It continues much in the vein of the first two novels: a somewhat promising and engaging storyline is dragged down by pedestrian writing and some very hokey scenes. The 300-some pages of this book are essentially one extended climax to the trilogy. One battle in particular, the assault on the Imperial facility in the Maw, almost stretches the entire length of the story. The Bantam Spectra era of Star Wars novels was noted for the authors’ predilection to invent “superweapons-of-the-week.” True to form, this trilogy contains not one but two in the form of a prototype (but fully functional) Death Star and the even more powerful Sun Crusher. It’s not that hard to swallow the existence of a prototype Death Star, although the idea feels a trifle overused after seeing them in A New Hope and Return of the Jedi. However, the Sun Crusher concept goes beyond the pale. Anderson asks the reader to accept it took a 100+ kilometer wide sphere to support a laser that could destroy…
Flash Gordon: The Tyrant of Mongo: The Complete Flash Gordon Library 1937-1941 by Alex Raymond and Don Moore is an outstanding book which will introduce new readers to the wonderful art of Alex Raymond, drawn to the exciting story of Don Moore. For those who are familiar with the art and story, the format would make the book easier to read and the clear and clean pages make the images jump up much better than the cheap Sunday newspaper.