Ida Tarbell (5 November, 1857 – 6 January, 1944) was an author, biographer, lecturer, educator and an early pioneer of investigative journalist.
The magic of sagas is that you get to know the characters very well. This novel is too short for such narrative. The characters, are lovely, and interesting.
This is not part of an epic saga which is a staple in the world of fantasy. Geralt rides the countryside, meeting people, talking to them, and killing a monster
Wisława Szymborska (2, July 1923 – 1, February 2012) was a Nobel Prize winning poet. Translator, and essayist from Poland.
Alice B. Toklas was an American cookbook writer and life partner of Gertrude Stein. The 1945 Alice B. Toklas Cookbook included a recipe for “Haschich Fudge”.
The Light of Days: The Untold Story of Women Resistance Fighters in Hitler’s Ghettos shines light on the women resistance fighters in Poland during World War II
Bending Toward the Sun A Mother and Daughter Memoir by Leslie Gilbert-Lurie & Rita Lurie – of how the mother’s holocaust experience affected later generations
This book is short, but thought provoking. The question of “why the Jews?” has been asked for centuries without a good answer other than racism, probably because there isn’t one. As is tradition in the Jewish religion the book asks a lot of poignant, hard hitting questions but gives very few answers
The Tower of Fools by Andrzej Sapkowski (translated by David French) is a historical fantasy story taking place in the early 1500s, Poland. This novel is the first one in the Hussite Trilogy #1
The book is well researched, it presents events with historical accuracy without spending time on nuances which will bog down the story. I enjoyed that the author tried to make the story flow presenting relevant facts intertwining with the narrative.