1794: The City Between the Bridges is a dark, brutal story is unrelenting, but difficult to stop reading which is a testament to the excellent translation
The New Detective revolve around the question of how people justify the bad things they do, or not even realize they’re wrong
The glue that holds the book together, Willi Geismeier is an intriguing, nuanced character, acting as only I could wish I would under similar circumstances.
The stories are bleak and very reminiscent of the stories taking place in Communist Russia – snow, poverty, alcoholism, dead-end jobs,
A novel featuring German detective Bernie Gunther, this time between World War I and II. This is the 14th book in the series, published after Mr. Kerr’s death.
The New 52 Supergirl hates everyone. It is no wonder that the Red Lantern ring finally found her, creating one of the most powerful beings in the DC Universe.
The Flash (Barry Allen) is learning more about his powers and what fuels them. The Speed Force that flows gives him his powers, strikes all over Central City.
The horror in this book has nothing to do with imaginary monsters, but with the horror of what humans are able to do to one another. It is fascinating
A a more naïve, less powerful version of Superman joined with a less moralistic more sarcastic version of Batman is a winning formula.
The Joker rebrand himself as the White Knight of Gotham, the man who will shine a light on all the corruption which is dragging down the city to benefit the few