A charming debut novel, about an unlikely friendship between an elderly widow and a giant Pacific octopus that will leave you surprised and delighted!
The novel does jump around, and when that happens the reader has to pay attention. Even if you do , what’s real and what’s not is always up for questioning.
A novel featuring German detective Bernie Gunther, this time between World War I and II. This is the 14th book in the series, published after Mr. Kerr’s death.
American Spy tells of Marie Mitchell works as an FBI intelligence officer, but cannot break into the old boys club being an African-American woman.
Four scientist invented time travel in 1967, however one of them suffers a breakdown and the other three exile her fearing she would jeopardize the project.
The Joker rebrand himself as the White Knight of Gotham, the man who will shine a light on all the corruption which is dragging down the city to benefit the few
The narrative is good, easily understood and confident. The tale of honor and betrayal is accompanied by interesting characters which makes it entertaining
A Reliable Wife by Robert Goolrick is told in vivid narrative, it is sinful and tense, with flashes of violence, graphic sexual acts and grief
Hartright, the one who is doing the investigation, doesn’t only talk to witnesses, but also minor characters who can give him background information
reluctant Israeli spy, Gabriel Allon, is joined by a world famous woman, this time though she is a violinist named Anna Rolfe, on his adventures