Graphic Novel Review: The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Vol. 1 by Alan Moore
5 Stars , Fiction , Graphic Novels , Latest Posts / February 4, 2014

About: The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Vol. 1 by Alan Moore is a graphic novel collecting issue from the first run of this popular series. A movie by the same title was made in 2003, however don’t let that turn you off from reading this wonderful rendition. 176 pages Publisher: America’s Best Comics Language: English ISBN-10: 1563898586 My rating for The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Vol. 1 – 5 Buy this book in paper or electronic format More Books by Alan Moore Part of the League of Extra­or­di­nary Gen­tle — Men of la — Book Chal­lenge (Vol. 1) Thoughts: The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Vol. 1 by Alan Moore brings in a bunch of famous fictional characters, written by different authors, to a steampunk adventure which spans literature and imagination. The story revolves around several famous Victorian characters which serve as a wonderful introduction to their stories and authors. The graphic novel is illustrated with skill and talent, every panel has an aim and is worthy of close examination. Every panel is aimed at the reader who, with some knowledge of the classics, can appreciate the humor and genius behind the lines and words. The characters which Mr. Moore “borrowed”…

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