The Volunteer by Salvatore Scibona tells of young boy is stranded at Hamburg Fuhlsbuettel Airport in 2010. He speaks no German, it seems as if he was abandoned
The way the antiquarian book business runs, and the pure luck sometimes involved in finding rare books, is a fascinating glimpse into a tough business model
The horror in this book has nothing to do with imaginary monsters, but with the horror of what humans are able to do to one another. It is fascinating
Chinonso is a poultry farmer living in Nigeria, when his stops the suicide attempt of Ndali, an upper class, educated woman from a rich family
American Spy tells of Marie Mitchell works as an FBI intelligence officer, but cannot break into the old boys club being an African-American woman.
The 2nd novel featuring Allan Karlsson, a reluctant anti-hero going through life, involving himself and influencing world matters. A follow up to a best seller
A Pulitzer Prize winning historical fiction taking place in 1975, Viet Nam of a man who, after college in the US, goes back to Vietnam to fight the communists.
Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman does not disappoint, as the author tells wonderful stories in an easy to read, relatable manner
The Cook by Maylis de Kerangal (translated by Sam Taylor) is a fictional biography of Mauro, a young man who dreams of working as a cook / chef.
Carmela Vasconcelos, an divorcee, gets caught up in the of the Cuban Revolution, joins Lucas, her brother, as they run away from their parents to join Castro.