Osamu Dazai (19 June, 1909 – 13 June, 1948) was an author from Japan who is considered to be one of the most important writers of fiction from that country.
Hanio Yamada sees no future for himself, so he puts an ad in the paper offering his life for sale. In his quest to be killed Hanio meets many shadowy characters
An award-winning Chinese novel taking place during the Japanese occupation of China during World War II about ghosts meeting up in a per-scheduled date and time
The Blue Zones Kitchen: 100 Recipes to Live to 100 is a cook book / travel book which publishes recipes from the worlds Blue Zone locations around the world.
Atlas of World War II is incredible, it covers all theaters of the war, provides copies of the maps the generals used (along with their notes on them)
The Allies: Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin, and the Unlikely Alliance That Won World War II – recounts how Russia became and unlikely ally with the US & England
The author picked 25 of Japan’s most impressive castles. Each section consists of 4-6 pages with its own map directions, fantastic photography and explanations
The Ultimate Samurai Guide traces the history of Samurais, their way of life all the way to today. Mr. Bennett is a martial artist & a Kansai U professor
I found the relevant subjects of the story very interesting. The novel might or might not hold up remains to be seen but reading it these days is appropriate
The book is designed beautifully and the sections flow one into each other, but can still be skipped or read independently.