Star Wars Reads Day Held for the Second Time
Latest Posts / October 5, 2013

Star Wars Reads Day returns today, 5 October, for the second time. Various stores will hold events all over the country, these stores include Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million as well as independent book stores and public libraries.. The event, which was created in 2012, was founded by George Lucas who partnered with Dark Horse, Scholastic and other publishers.

Book Review: The Secret History of Star Wars by Michael Kaminski
5 Stars , Latest Posts , Non-Fiction / July 14, 2012

The book is divided into eight chapters which help the reader understand George Lucas. The story starts from Lucas’ humble beginnings in Modesto, CA, introduces us to his family and start in the film making business. The book then goes to analyze each of the Star Wars films and the creative process (not the technicalities of movie making) which created the much beloved stories and characters.

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