A Die Hard Christmas: The Illustrated Holiday Classic by Doogie Horner (illustrated by JJ Harrison) a retelling of the movie through a delightful Xmas rhyme.
Stanley Huang has claimed for years that he is very rich. Now that Stanley Huanghas pancreatic cancer his family wants details of his fortune to be revealed.
The Lighthouse Keeper’s Daughter by Hazel Gaynor tells of Grace Darling, a celebrated heroine, and her ancestor a hundred years later.
The book immediately caught my attention since I really enjoy these min-biographies which delve in depth into a short, but meaningful time in the subject’s life
I did, however, enjoy the structure of the story, much like the old German fairytales many of us grew on.
There are four hand written copies of ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas known to exist. Three are in museums while the fourth was sold in 2006 for $280,000
A novel that follows the life and after-life of its title character. Many people will recognize Marley’s name from Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol
The premise of this book is quite interesting, that is telling the history of each carol or Christmas song. The book is well written and easy to read
The Christmas Cookie is a short novel which in turn is divided into twelve short stories. There are many characters, the narration is mainly done by Marnie