Book Review: The Kind Worth Killing by Peter Swanson
4 Stars , Fiction , Latest Posts / April 1, 2015

About: The Kind Worth Killing by Peter Swanson is a novel with enough twists for several books. The book tries to get into the head of a psychopath. The pub­lisher is giv­ing away one copy of this book –to enter fill out the Raf­fle­copt­ter form at the end of the post. 320 pages Publisher: William Morrow Language: English ISBN-10: 0062267523 My Rat­ing for The Kind Worth Killing — 4 Buy this book in paper or elec­tor­nic format* More Books by Peter Swanson Thoughts: The Kind Worth Killing by Peter Swanson is a novel about a bunch of psychopathic women plotting to kill husbands, boyfriends and each other while using gullible men to do so and still manage to somehow justify it all. This is a clever, well plotted novel with some twists and turns which I did not see coming. The book was very exciting and different than others I’ve read before. About 1/3 in, when one of the major and unexpected plot twists happens, I knew it would be a heck of a ride. The characters in the novel are wonderfully realized, even though I wished the author would have given them a more geographically authentic voice. I got…

Fun Facts Friday: The Scarlet letter
Fun Facts Friday , Latest Posts / March 16, 2012

Today is the anniversary of the publication of Nathaniel Hawthorne‘s The Scarlet Letter. Besides a great tale, The Scarlet Letter also had a wonderful that goes with its own publication. Great price on this book in paper or FREE in elec­tronic For­mat through the Man of la Book Affil­i­ate Account More books by Nathaniel Hawthorne 1 ) The Scarlet letter is set in 17th century in Puritan Boston between 1642 – 1649. 2 ) The story that Hawthorne planned to publish the book as a novella and was convinced by his publisher to make it a full length novel is untrue. 3 ) The manuscript for the novel was written at 14 Ma.. St., Salem MA at the Peter Edgerley House. The house still stands. 4 ) Hawthorne believed the book would not be popular due to some portions which were “powerfully written”. 5 ) Contradictory to Hawthorne’s forecast, The Scarlet Letter was an instant best seller. 6 ) The Scarlet Letter started Hawthorne’s best period as a literary author. 7 ) Even though the novel sold many copies, it only brought in $1,500 to its author over a period of fourteen years. 8 ) Upon publications, protests arose in Salem due to the town’s depiction. 9…

Thoughts on: The Technologists by Matthew Pearl
4 Stars , Fiction , Historical Fiction , Latest Posts / February 29, 2012

Article first published as Book Review: The Technologists by Matthew Pearl on Blogcritics. About: The Technologists by Matthew Pearl is a fictional book about the early days of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The story takes place in the years after the American Civil War during a very fragile time in our history. The pub­lisher is giv­ing away one copy of this book— enter at the end of the post. 496 pages Publisher: Random House ISBN: 1400066573 My rating for The Technologists – 4 Great price on this book in paper or electronic for­mat through the Man of la Book Affil­i­ate Account More books by Matthew Pearl Thoughts: The Technologists by Matthew Pearl (website) is an entertaining read with wonderful historical detail and a bunch of nerdiness thrown in for good measure. While I wasn’t sucked into the book as much as I would have liked, I found the characters captivating and the plot line interesting. The author does a great job interweaving reality and fiction as well as the dialog which was spoken in that time period. The harsh social norms of the time are presented in the form of a lone MIT female student who is forced to study in isolation. There were…

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