Search results for: John Grisham

World Book Night 2013 – Books Recieved
Latest Posts / April 18, 2013

Today I picked up my package from World Book Night at Barnes & Noble. The book I chose was Playing for Pizza by John Grisham which I have read before. The reason I picked this book is because accord to the WBN website they want the books to be given to “light and non-readers”. I feel that this book is perfect for this group, it is a light read, a fun story and not intimidating. I’m looking forward to giving out the books and seeing what the feedback would be like. Meantime here are some pictures from the package I got, including a good looking “book giver” sticker. Zohar – Man of la Book

Manly Holiday Book Guide
Latest Posts / November 28, 2011

Ever wanted to know what to get the men in your life besides tools, a silly tie or something which will end up in the attic on January 1? Here are the answers to your prayers. For the “I want to read just one book I could talk about in parties” type of guy: 1Q84 by Haruki Murakami For the “I like emotional books but want people to think I’m reading a war novel” manly man: The Polski Affair by Leon H. Gildin For your “I like intellectual books” boyfriend who wants to impress you: Georg Letham: Physician and Murderer by Ernst Weiss For the “hey dude, it’s a classic” guy:The Dark Knight Returns by Frank Miller For your uncle that grew a stomach and converted to Buddhism: Across Many Mountains by Yangzom Brauen or Fire Monks by Colleen Morton Busch For your second cousin that keeps saying how he hates the classics: Dracula by Bram Stoker For your neighbor that decorates his house the day after Halloween: Jacob T. Marley by R. William Bennett For your long lost cousin. living in a log cabin and still believes that the South shall rise:The Civil War: A Visual History For your brother…

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