The Forgotten Names is a historical fiction story of a woman who is trying to find the original names of Jewish kids in France who were hidden from the Nazis...
Recognizing the signs of burnout early can help you pivot away from tasks you don’t enjoy and may help you discover new ways to do your job...
John Bartlett was a writer publisher and editor from Massachusetts. He published and edited Bartlett's Familiar Quotations since 1855...
Camino Ghosts by John Grisham was captivating and works as a standalone story, you don’t need to read the previous two books to enjoy this one...
Getting good at effective communication through writing is important for bank exams. One of the fundamental elements of proficient writing is constructing clear, concise, and impactful sentences. Not only do well-crafted sentences enhance the readability of your content, but they also demonstrate your grasp of language conventions and can significantly boost your scores in bank exams. Here are some strategies for refining your writing s...
The main goal is to retrace Washington’s footsteps, poke around the edges of history, and find the uncomfortable stories that no one tells....
Vladimir Mayakovsky (7 July, 1893 – 14 April, 1930) was a Russian poet, playwright, and actor. He was a famous figure in the Russian Futurist movement...
Dedicating time to careful choices about design, furniture, & other aspects can help ensure your area is fit for staying productive & supporting your creativity...
Big Guy is about a show horse who has big changes to face, and who learns that friendships can last beyond the time you share together....
I did enjoy the book though, I didn’t learn as much. Tech culture is fascinating from the inside and even more fascinating reading an outsider's view of it...