Graphic Novel Review: Wonder Woman, Volume 4: Godwatch by Greg Rucka

August 26, 2019


Wonder Woman, Volume 4: Godwatch by Greg Rucka (illustrated by Bilquis Evely, Mirka Andolfo, Nicola Scott, Scott Hanna, Mark Morales, Andrew Hennessy, Raúl Fernandez) continues the story-line which bridges the Year One narrative to current date. This is Mr. Rucka’s last run (so far) and collects issues of Wonder Woman #16-24, and Wonder Woman Annual #1.

  • 144 pages
  • Publisher: DC Comics
  • Language:English
  • ISBN-10:1401274609

Graphic Novel Review: Wonder Woman, Volume 4: Godwatch by Greg Rucka
My rat­ing forWonder Woman,Vol. 4: Godwatch4
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I enjoyed this whole run of Wonder Woman, but the reasoning to split the arcs into separate graphic novels is confusing and surprising. One of the reasons I enjoy graphic novels is the ability to read a complete story without waiting a months for each chapter (and forgetting what it was all about). These graphic novels should be read in their numeric order, which would ideally end with volume 3.

That being said, Wonder Woman, Vol. 4: Godwatch by Greg Rucka (illustrated by Bilquis Evely, Mirka Andolfo, Nicola Scott, Scott Hanna, Mark Morales, Andrew Hennessy, Raúl Fernandez) does close the story-line full circle. This is a story centered around Veronica Cale, Wonder Woman is not in it a lot, which is fine and works great since Cale is one of the best parts of this run.

Both Cale and Cheetah had interesting motivations for their grief and don’t really hold a special dislike to Wonder Woman, beside using her to get their lives back.. Neither is a traditional villain who simply wants to see the world burns, but are forced onto bad behavior by others and circumstances beyond their control. Like any good hero / villain relationship, both Cale and Wonder Woman share the same life affirming lessons, goals and world view. They are both intelligent women whose were simply force onto different paths.

The artwork is gorgeous, very impressive and dynamic. The artists go back to the classic look of Diana Prince / Wonder Woman which, for me, is a big plus. Not that I dislike the bubbly DC artwork, but it just wouldn’t work here.

An anti-climatic volume, because the actual ending was in volume 3, but worth the read nonetheless. I wish I had the backstory beforehand, this type of structure might work in other forms, maybe even within the same graphic novel, but not is separate ones.


Veronica Cale is the leader of Godwatch, and all-powerful group that wants revenges on the Greek gods. The gods have kidnapped Cale’s daughter, tortured her in order to have Cale due their bidding. As well as facing off with Cale, Wonder Woman has to deal with Circe, a witch, and Ann Minerva, a former friend now known as Cheetah.

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More Books by Greg Rucka

Zohar — Man of la Book
Dis­claimer:I borrowed this graphic novel from a friend.
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Wonder Woman, Volume 4: Godwatch by Greg Rucka

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Wonder Woman, Volume 4: Godwatch by Greg Rucka

Wonder Woman Volume 4 Godwatch By Greg Rucka

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