Graphic Novel Review: James Bond: Felix Leiter by James Robinson

October 10, 2017

James Bond: Felix Leiter by James Robinson (art by Aaron Campbell) is a spinoff the Bond comics taking his good friend, CIA agent Felix Leiter as the protagonist. This graphic novel collects six issues.

  • 152 pages
  • Publisher:Dynamite Entertainment
  • Language:English
  • ISBN-10:1524104701

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My rat­ing for James Bond: Felix Leiter4
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I was excited from the first time I head the plans to make a standalone Felix Leiter story. With all the trepidations and pre-judgements that came with the announcement, only one thought, and one thought only, was on my mind – about damn time!

James Bond: Felix Leiter by James Robinson (art by Aaron Campbell) is an excellent, fast-paced opening installment to the series. With a wink and a nod towards Felix’s relationship with 007, the writer and artist created a solid launching pad for this comic.

The story was exciting and fast-paced, which is a feat by itself since the book had to establish the character of Leiter as well as his surrounding universe. This is why I’m glad I read the graphic novel, the first issue is a bit slow but things start to pick up quickly in the second.
But who am I kidding, I would have read the whole series regardless.

I especially enjoyed the fact that it seems as if the creators of this graphic novel are either Bond fans and/or did their research really well. They threw in a few bones for us fans, as well as built on previous Bond comics and universe while introducing new and exciting characters.
Bonus points for using Tiger Tanaka.

CIA agent Felix Leiter is in Japan, being called in by his friend Tiger Tanaka, head of the service. Felix’s job is to track down a Russian spy he has known in the past. The spy, being of course a beautiful woman, is dangerous and mysterious as Felix knows all too well.

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More Books by James Robinson

Zohar — Man of la Book
Dis­claimer:I got this book for free
*Ama­zon links point to an affiliate account

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