Graphic Novel Review: BRZRKR: Bloodlines, Volume 1 by Mattson Tomlin and Steve Skroce

February 20, 2024


BRZRKR: Bloodlines, Volume 1 by Mattson Tomlin and Steve Skroce tells of the origins of the immortal killing machine. Mr. Skorce is a successful screenwriter, and Mr. Tomlin is a filmmaker, writer, and producer.

  • 112 pages
  • Publisher ‏ : BOOM! Studios
  • Language ‏ : English
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : 160886149X

Graphic Novel Review: BRZRKR: Bloodlines, Volume 1 by Mattson Tomlin and Steve Skroce
My rating for BRZRKR: Bloodlines, Volume 14
Buy BRZRKR: Bloodlines, Volume 1 from*

More Books by Mattson Tomlin*
More Books by Steve Skorce*


The immortal warrior BRZRKR was created by Keanu Reeves and Matt Kindt. I find it amusing that Mr. Reeves’ name is prominently displayed on the cover even though he hasn’t written a single word of this graphic novel. I know it’s for sales purposes, but the publisher should take a page of the Fleming and Ludlum estates (ex: Ian Fleming’s James Bond in…).

I’ve enjoyed the BRZRKR character in previous graphic novels, but the real strength of these comics is the supporting cast. After all, the main character is, frankly, not that interesting. We have no stakes in his future since we already know his immortal. Even being decapitated he can come back to life.

Poetry of Madness:

I don’t know why the writers picked Atlantis, there are plenty of other real cities that can be used. A grittier story than the fantastic elements. The artwork shows us a photorealistic Keanu Reeves (well-drawn) slashing page after page warriors, giants (?), and those who should never be in armor.

Even though the action is plentiful, it was boring. BRZRKR had no challenge, he cuts through an army of thousands, splattering the pages with blood, but there is nothing dynamic in those fights. I saw more movement in a six-panel page of Captain America’s shield flying around. Nevertheless, the art was interesting even though it lacked imagination.

Fallen Empire:

This story, however was much better, but I’ve read very similar stories previously. Both stories are very similar, ancient civilizations were destroyed, but this one works much better.

The action scenes, illustrated by Steve skroce and Rebekah Issacs, are dynamic and move the story forward, not just a celebration of gore. There’s also a twist in the story which I didn’t see coming. The supporting cast is much more interesting than the previous story and we get to know BRZRKR better and what makes him tick.

I wished the two stories were different, old stories of ancient civilizations being destroyed with BRZRK in the middle of the mayhem. They’re fun stories, but at some point they become predictable and boring.


This graphic novel contains two stories, both of which tell of the BRZRKR’s history and survival.

Poetry of Madness finds our anti-hero in Atlantis, protecting it from attacking enemies. Atlantis’ king, much like the fabled city itself, is rotting from the core and the BRZRKR finds himself fighting the enemies within.

Fallen Empire tells the story of a kingdom destroyed by BRZRKR. A lone survivor tells the story so it can be written down and not forgotten.

Buy BRZRKR: Bloodlines, Volume 1 from*
More Books by Mattson Tomlin*
More Books by Steve Skorce*

Zohar — Man of la Book
Dis­claimer:I got this book for free
*Ama­zon links point to an affil­i­ate account, the money is usually spent on books

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BRZRKR: Bloodlines, Volume 1 by Mattson Tomlin and Steve Skroce
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BRZRKR: Bloodlines, Volume 1 by Mattson Tomlin and Steve Skroce

BRZRKR Bloodlines Volume 1

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