Giveaway (Over): Mysteries of Cove: Fires of Invention

October 19, 2015

Mysteries of Cove: Fires of Invention [on-sale September 29th; Ages 10 And Up, Grades 5 And Up]

The pub­lisher is giv­ing away one copy of this book –to enter fill out the Raf­fle­copt­ter form at the end of the post.


The first in a new series, this novel explores two distinct Steampunk eras: traditional 19th century England where the Cove inhabitants are from and a future society that has been frozen in technology from the 1800s out of fear of provoking a new attack by the fierce dragons who once nearly destroyed them. A secret plan to defeat the dragons requires a worthy foe: They build an ingenious mechanical dragon using only the steam-powered, iron-clad, gear moving technology of the 19th century.

Author Website:

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  • Give­away ends: Octo­ber 26, 2015

  • US Ship­ping Addresses Only

  • NoPOBoxes

  • Win­ners will have 24 hours to write back with their address, oth­er­wise an alter­nate win­ner will be picked.

Congratulations: saubleb@

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