Fun Facts Friday: Wallace Stevens

October 2, 2020

Wallace Stevens (2 October, 1879 – 2 August, 1955) was an American poet and an insurance executive.

Fun Facts Friday: Wallace Stevens
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Books by Wallace Stevens

  1. Stevens was born in Reading, PA.
  2. He attended Harvard University and New York Law School, graduating in 1903.
  3. During one of his visits to Reading, Mr. Wallace met Elsie Kachel, a saleswoman and stenographer.
  4. Stevens and Ms. Kachel were married in 1909 despite his family’s objections that to here “lower-class” status. Sadly, no one from his family came to the wedding and he never spoke or visited his parents until after his father passed away.
  5. Stevens moved from NYC to Hartford, CT in 1916 for a job at the Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company. He worked there until he died.
  6. In 1934, Mr. Stevens became a vice president at the insurance company. He liked it so much that he declined to join the Harvard faculty.
  7. In the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s Mr. Stevens visited Key West, FL where he argued with fellow poet Robert Frost.
  8. In 1936 Mr. Stevens broke his hand while punching the jaw of one Ernest Hemingway.
  9. He won the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry for his Collected Poems (1955).
  10. It is said that Mr. Stevens was baptized a Catholic on his deathbed, his daughter denies this rumor.

Books by Wallace Stevens

Zohar – Man of la Book

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