Book Review: Memory of Flames by Armand Cabasson

November 5, 2014

Memory of Flames by Armand Cabasson is a historical fiction story taking place in Napoleonic France. This is the third book in the Napoleonic Murders series.

  • 352 pages
  • Publisher: Gallic Books
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1906040842

Book Review: Memory of Flames by Armand Cabasson

My rat­ing for Memory of Flames4
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This is the second book I read in the series, the first, Wolf Hunt, was very good, however I have to say that I enjoyed Memory of Flames by Armand Cabasson much more. I think what made the difference for me was the plot and I got to know the characters better, as well as the interaction of the protagonist with historical characters.

The author sets the stage early, Lt. Col. Quentin Margont, the pragmatist protagonist, sees the world in black and white, the political weasel Talleyrand who only sees shades of grey and dances political circles Napoleon’s brother, Joseph, whose ego gets in the way of him seeing reality.

The novel centers on Margont being a double agent sent by Joseph to infiltrate a group trying to restore the monarchy to France. The double agent scenario allows the author to show more of the disarray which Paris is in following its occupation and allows the author to travel around the town at night, helping the conspiracy story-line. The book also sets the stage to discuss the different points of view during the beginning of the decline of Napoleon’s rule.

I learned a lot from this book, not only about the Napoleonic era, but also about the politics of the time. This is a first rate historical novel, an excellent effort by translator Isabel Reid who, I believe, captured the feel and mood of the original language.

it’s 1814 and Napoleon’s forces are in a scurrying to halt the enemy’s advance on Paris. Napoleon’s older brother, Joseph, believes that a plan is brewing to murder key members who are leading Paris’ defenses. Joseph orders Lt. Col. Quentin Margont to infiltrate the royalist movement known as Swords of the King and foil their plot.

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Zohar — Man of la Book
Dis­claimer:I got this book for free.
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