Blood, Sweat & Chrome: The Wild and True Story of Mad Max: Fury Road by Kyle Buchanan is an oral history of the making of one of 2015’s best, and most beloved movies. Mr. Buchanan is an award-winning New York Times journalist.
- 384 pages
- Publisher : William Morrow
- Language : English
- ISBN-10 : 0063084341
My rating for Blood, Sweat & Chrome — 5
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More Books by Kyle Buchanan*
When I first saw Mad Max: Fury Road I was impressed by the fantastic acts and immersive CGI. So immersive that I couldn’t even tell it was CGI. To my astonishment, it turned out that the whole insane movie was all done with practical effects.
The book explores the making of this unlikely film. The fourth in the Mad Max series whose last entry was released three decades prior, with a new cast, telling the story through a car chase thorough the Namib Desert in southern Africa.
And it’s amazing.
Blood, Sweat & Chrome by Kyle Buchanan is an oral history of the decades it took to make this movie. The people who made the movie tell the story while the author/editor assembles the relevant quotes to tell a story. he did an excellent job since the narrative is coherent, intelligent, and gripping.
I never realized how complex the making of Fury Road was. Making every movie is usually a complex affair, but this one takes the prize. I have heard of the fights between Tom Hardy and Charlize Theron, but now I understand why it was so stressful. At least Tom Hardy was able to apologize to George Miller for not being able to understand his vision. In Hardy’s defense though, there was no script and every shot was in Miller’s head.
The book is written in hindsight. After Fury Road won many awards (including Academy Awards) the sequel, Furiosa, was already greenlighted and provides a fascinating glimpse into the create process. This put the events and outcomes for those who worked on the film in a different context, but their memories are still sharp.
Buy Blood, Sweat & Chrome from Amazon.com*
More Books by Kyle Buchanan*
Zohar — Man of la Book
Disclaimer:I got this book as a gift
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