Book Review: Allegiance by Erika Raskin

August 27, 2024


Allegiance by Erika Raskin takes place in the near future, when the United States is on the brink of fascism. Ms. Raskin is a published author, writer, and activist.

  • 270 pages
  • Publisher ‏ : Arbitrary Press
  • Language ‏ : English
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : 1958762113

Book Review: Allegiance by Erika Raskin
My rating forAllegiance 5

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Democracy is fragile and is on the ballot in every election. America, and the West, are certainly slipping towards a different form of government. I’d leave the question ”why?” to historians, but I believe the “normalize [whatever] in your face” crowd, as well as universities planting seeds of Western hate in their students, has much to do with pushing independents and centrists to the right.

The story is told from the point of view of Natalie Morrow, a grandmother attempting to go to Canada with her grandchildren, and Natalie’s son, Finn, who has gone undercover in a fascist camp. Each narrator, on his or her own, would seem melodramatic, but together they tell the story of a societal collapse.

Natalie and Finn are Jewish, and just like the grandchildren, and the mixed-race child in the white supremacist camp, they are extra sensitive to what’s happening around them. They see, in real-time, the United States embrace a form of government we’ve all been warned about.

The author bumped up the rhetoric I’ve been hearing, but not by much. The political leaders in the book no longer pretend the dog whistles they publish are a joke, or a misunderstanding, quite the opposite.

Allegiance by Erika Raskin is intense but has much humor woven in. It’s easy to read as well as a page-turner. It’s not a “ripped from the headlines” type of book, but unfortunately, it’s not far off either.


President Chase, elected into office, has stopped hiding his fascist agenda. Using white supremacy terminology,

Natalie Morrow is worried. Her son, a radio blogger, is missing while going undercover in a white supremacist compound, her other son married a woman who supports the fascist ideology promoted by the government. Reading the writing on the wall, Natalie decides to make the dangerous journey from Virginia to Canada with her grandchildren, without their parents knowing about it.

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More Books by Erika Raskin*

Zohar — Man of la Book
Dis­claimer: I got this book for free
*Ama­zon links point to an affil­i­ate account, the money is usually spent on books

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Book Review: Allegiance by Erika Raskin

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