The story actually has three protagonists, Max Cohn, a kid in present day Los Angeles, Moshe Goldenhirsch who is a young Jewish man at the heyday of World War II, and again, Moshe as an elderly retiree in present day Los Angeles
We like visiting historic places and we know that many times context is everything. An artifact, a building, or even something that might seem insignificant get a whole new meaning when viewed in the right light.
Knut Hamsun (4 August, 1859 – 19 February, 1952) was a Norwegian author and a Noble prize winner. Books by Knut Hamsun* 1) Born as Knud Pedersen to a poor family, the author grew up on his uncle’s farm. 2) When he was nine years old, the boy was separated from his family and went to live with his uncle, Hans Olsen, and helped him run a post office. 3) According to Mr. Hamsun, his uncle did not treat him well and he escaped back to his family after five years. 4) After going through various jobs, the author started apprenticing as a rope maker and writing. 5) Mr. Hamsun spent several years in America – traveling and working. He later published his impresses as Fra det moderne Amerikas Aandsliv (1889). 6) During World War II, the author supported the German war effort, he met with high ranking Nazi officers, Goebbels, and even met Hitler himself. 7) After the war, Mr. Hamsun was arrested for treason, put in a psychiatrist hospital, and fined. Much of this was due to public anger for his eulogy on Hitler. 8) To this day, Norwegians have a love/hate relationship with the author, as they…
This is a riveting, easy to read book. Mr. Henderson wrote a wonderful and important book, packed with history and stories which pack an emotional punch.
GIVEAWAY: Look past the legends and learn about the REAL ninjas of feudal Japan with this entertaining, illustrated ninjutsu guide.