Guest Post: How To Find Time To Get Started On Your Reading List
Guest Posts , Latest Posts / November 7, 2016

Photo via Pixabay by Unsplash Books are one of the best ways to relax, forget about real-life stress, and travel without ever leaving the comfort of your own home, yet many of us struggle to find time to read. With so many good books coming out this fall–and so many different e-readers available to read them on–it’s a shame not to at least try to carve out time in your busy schedule for them. Here are a few of the best ways to do just that. Keep one on you at all times Stephen King once said that he never goes anywhere without a paperback, because you never know when you might need to wait–at the doctor’s office, in a traffic jam, in that long line at the DMV. These days, you don’t even need to carry a physical book with you; e-readers are surprisingly affordable and are light and durable enough to slip into a purse or backpack for easy access. Having something to read not only comes in handy during those boring, having-to-wait times, it also allows you to work on your to-be-read list instead of playing a game on your phone. The trick is to keep…

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