Book Review: All You Need Is Kill by Hiroshi Sakurazaka
4 Stars , Fiction , Latest Posts / April 14, 2015

About: All You Need Is Kill by Hiroshi Sakurazaka is a Japanese science fiction story. The novel was made into a movie called Edge of Tomorrow, rebranded to Live, Die, Repeat when released in DVD format, but it looks like they changed it back. 230 pages Publisher: Haikasoru; Original edition Language: English ISBN-10: 1421527618 My rat­ing for All You Need is Kill— 4 Buy this book in paper or elec­tronic format* More Books by Hiroshi Sakurazaka Thoughts: I wanted to read All You Need Is Kill by Hiroshi Sakurazaka because I really enjoyed Edge of Tomorrow and thought it would be fun to read the book. I was not disappointed, while the movie is, in general terms, much like the novel they are still different enough to enjoy both. The story came out of the author’s idea of living in a video game, when you fail you try again but this time with the knowledge of what will happen. If you fail again, you get to try again with more knowledge, this cycle repeats until you finally defeat the game. Once the protagonist gets over the shock and realization that he keeps dying, he realizes that what he does…

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